The following info is how to unlock every faction on Medieval war 2, 1 and even the kingdoms exspansion and also the rome total war package. 1. go to my computer 2. select the Hp under hardrive disks. am did this on vista so i may be different on other computers. 3. select program files 4. Medieval total war 1,2,kingdoms select sega Rome total war 1,BA,Alexander Select creative asslemby 5. then select the data file. for expansions u will need to select there file. however the kingdoms expansion u will to go into mods then select one of the four kingdoms then data. 6. then select the following world, maps campaign, imperial campaign. 7. now drag the descr_stat file out and on to ur desktop. 8. now open it and copy and paste it into notepad. 9. then cut and paste all the unlock factions into playable. u can do it with some of the non-playable but be warned the game can crash so i can't be held responable for any problems u encounter. as the same title descr_stat and then drag it to where u found the first one. 11.there u go all faction unlocked. k word to the wise first time loading my take a bit longer but it will work.