This is something that I have done somany times before. It is basically a way to hack into the base files and change game settings.(ammo storage, ammo in clips, health maximums, ect.) This file is for those who feel the need to change the game in small ways, and not go crazy on the programing. Below is a list of what is in the file "pak001.pk4," how to get there, and what you can change, and what you can't. : to get to the file, you must go to the directory that you installed Quake 4 into. Then simply change the end of the file name,(.pk4, if unlisted,) to .zip. then go into the folder def. It is full of text files, and folders full of text files. The only thing that I recomend that you leave alone are the ai texts. they can really mess up the game and cause you to stay in one place. And with all of that out, I leave you to mess with the programing! (p.s. you have got to change the file extention back to .pk4 in order for the game to work, and ammo, health, and armor values can only be as low as 10, and as high as 99999. and remember to change the max health and max armor for more of them.) -Xizikibe