// CONFIG.CFG - General config file. You can put the following types of statements into // config files: // // 1. INCLUDES - "INCLUDE filename" will execute the named config file as if the text // appeared right inside the calling file. // // 2. SET CURRENT HANDLER - A prefix followed by a colon specifies that the rest of the // line, and all future lines until another prefix is seen, will be sent to the // config handler for that prefix. Current prefixes are: // // LOG - direct commands to the LOG config system, for containg debug logging // CAM - direct commands to the CAMERA config system // MAP - direct commands to the MAP config system // // 3. HANDLER-SPECIFIC COMMANDS - All other text is interpreted in the context of the // current handler, as set by a prefix and colon. For a description of the syntax // available for the LOG handler, see the file LOG.CFG. Others are described below: // //g_warningsEnabled = 0 //g_noWarnErrAssertDialogs = 1 s_trackAllocations = 1 // NOT FOUND IN CODE g_checkingCRC = 0 s_profileAccum = 04 // NOT FOUND IN CODE s_profileMinSlotTimeForLog = 0 // NOT FOUND IN CODE // How long till a script must "use" a scan/hail/board before code thinks it failed. cfg_fUseReset = 3 // How long standard messages stay on screen cfg_ChatLineExpireTimeSec = 3 //PROF: //enableall //enable render //enable avoid //enable begin //enable end //enable sim //enable refresh //enable flush //enable SetupLights //enable Mad3D_Effect // //GLOBAL VARIABLES //global config variables that effect how shipsystem values factor in to actual in-game use. Changing one of these will change ALL ships // how fast is our Multiplayer game? - sls cfg_MP_GAME_SPEED = 3.0 // how fast is our Single Player (scenario) game? - sls cfg_SP_GAME_SPEED = 3.0 // **************************************************************************************************************** // GFX Settings // **************************************************************************************************************** //GLOWSCALE g_fGlowScale=1.1 // g_CullScreenRadius = 15 //SPACEDUST // how quickly the space dust particles streak cfg_spaceDustMotionTrailModifier = 2.0 // the speed in which the space dust particles move in the opposite direction of the camera cfg_spaceDustMovementSpeed = 0.4 // the maximum amount the space dust will stretch for motion blur (this is a squared value) cfg_spaceDustMaxMotionTrailLength = 1.3 //GLOBAL FOV cfg_CameraFOV = 0.9 // The camera FOV in Radians. It currently defaults to PI*0.25 = 45 degrees. DON'T SCREW WITH THIS TOO MUCH PLEASE (0.785 was the original setting) //DEFAULT GAMMA SETTING g_fGammaLevelBiasPC=0.0 g_fGammaLevelBiasXbox=0.0 // the visibility of the destination loop g_useSpriteForDestinationIndication = 0 // **************************************************************************************************************** // SHIELD VARIABLES // **************************************************************************************************************** cfg_shieldBleedBasePercent = 0.10 // defaults to 0.05 5% of the time, shield damage bleeds into the hull; this value modifies an equation that increases with decreased shield health cfg_shieldBleedHullDamagePercent = .05 //0.333 // defaults to 0.333 during a bleed, 33% of damage goes to the hull cfg_shieldUnderAttackRechargeModifier = 0.20 // defaults to 0.75 shields recharge slow if the craft was just attacked cfg_minShieldFractionWeight = 0.40 // min fraction to be used in tmob's GetShieldRechargeRate formula, defaults to 0.30 cfg_shieldsAbsorb = 1.0 // percentage (between 0 and 1) of damage applied to shields that lowers shield value (the rest is negated) cfg_shieldsOnlineThreshold = 1.0 // defaults to 0.3; At what percent do shields come back on cfg_baseShieldRechargeRate = 350.0 cfg_baseShieldRechargeRateWeight = 1.00 cfg_baseShieldHitPoints = 8000.0 cfg_baseShieldHitPointsWeight = 1.0 // TREVOR: IS THIS OBSOLETE? g_weaponRange = 3.0 // weapon range in game = range from weapon odf * (weaponssystemlevel/2000) * this) // TREVOR: IS THIS OBSOLETE? g_baseSensorRange = 12 // base sensors value. sensor range is something like (this * sensor system value) cfg_cloakDiminish = .03 //the rate that cloaking uses up weapon energy. the lower this number the slower the energy is used cfg_attackDistance = 900 // the distance at which we set our target point when we are firing freely without a craft target // by default this is set to 900.0 -tmob // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** P H O T O N chance to hit configurable variables ************************************************ // **************************************************************************************************************** // ***The following four weights no longer need to sum to 1.0 -tmob cfg_photonAccuracySensorWeight = 0.15 cfg_photonAccuracySizeWeight = 0.30 cfg_photonAccuracySpeedWeight = 0.60 cfg_photonAccuracyDistanceWeight = 0.40 cfg_photonAccuracyODFChanceWeight = 0.20 // Modifier for the amount of damage photons do when hitting the target's hull. cfg_photonHullDamageModifier = 4.0 // Threshold for photon chance to hit calculation. Above this threshold, we automatically bump the // chance to hit to 100%, fully "locked on". -tmob cfg_photonLockedOnPercentage = 0.99 // *** This counterweight is basically what we give for free out of the sensor weight right now. This is only // done to make the chance to hit more reasonable. cfg_photonAccuracySensorCounterWeight = 0.15 // *** This is the range within which we are considered at "point blank range" and are guaranteed a hit. cfg_photonPointBlankRange = 10.0 // The rate that photons recharge g_PhotonRate = 0.05 // scale the impact of actual damage on the force - sls cfg_explosiveImpulsePhotonDamageMultiplier = 0.05// was .2 // bleed damage has a higher multiplier so its obvious - sls (add one in your head to this figure e.g. 0.5 acts like 1.5 - ic) cfg_explosiveImpulsePhotonBleedMultiplier = 1.5 // cap to the amount of rotation force we can apply to an object - sls cfg_impulseForceRotationalMagnitudeCap = 10000000.0 // cap to the amount of positional force we can apply to an object - sls cfg_impulseForcePositionalMagnitudeCap = 10000000.0 // max speed in terms of to hit; lower this to make it harder to hit fast targets - sls cfg_maxSpeedToHitCalculation = 250 // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** P H A S E R chance to hit configurable variables ************************************************ // **************************************************************************************************************** // ***The following four weights no longer need to sum to 1.0 -tmob cfg_phaserAccuracySensorWeight = 0.15 cfg_phaserAccuracySizeWeight = 0.30 cfg_phaserAccuracySpeedWeight = 0.25 cfg_phaserAccuracyDistanceWeight = 0.30 // Threshold for phaser chance to hit calculation. Above this threshold, we automatically bump the // chance to hit to 100%, fully "locked on". -tmob cfg_phaserLockedOnPercentage = 0.99 // *** This counterweight is basically what we give for free out of the sensor weight right now. This is only // done to make the chance to hit more reasonable. cfg_phaserAccuracySensorCounterWeight = 0.15 // *** This is the range within which we are considered at "point blank range" and are guaranteed a hit. cfg_phaserPointBlankRange = 100.0 // scale the impact of actual damage on the force - sls cfg_explosiveImpulsePhaserDamageMultiplier = 0.01 // was .1 // bleed damage has a higher multiplier so its obvious - sls (add one in your head to this figure e.g. 0.5 acts like 1.5 - ic) cfg_explosiveImpulsePhaserBleedMultiplier = 0.01 // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** W E A P O N variables ************************************************************************* // **************************************************************************************************************** // SENSOR BOOSTED TARGETING SYSTEM //These were all moved to be odf values on the weapon system -dld //cfg_boostModifier = 0.02 // Scaling factor for the targeting boost given per second. -tmob //cfg_phaserTargetingBoostThreshold = 0.36 //cfg_photonTargetingBoostThreshold = 0.8 //cfg_maxPhaserBoost = 0.8 //cfg_maxPhotonBoost = 0.3 cfg_targetingBoostCalculationTimer = 0.02 cfg_targetingBoostSensorMultiplier = 0.50 // **************************************************************************************************************** // P H A S E R D A M A G E // **************************************************************************************************************** // PHASER DAMAGE OVER TIME - INTENSITY BONUS // The following line is the way in which we accumulate phaser damage over time. // // stDamage.total *= (1.0f + (m_phaserTime * cfg_phaserIntensityDamageModifier)) // This is done in accordance with the following design: // BasePhaserDamage * (1+ (NumSecondsofBurst * (0.1)) // The following config var fills the "0.1" portion of this equation, even though // i currently have it set to 0.3 -tmob cfg_phaserIntensityDamageModifier = 10.0 // PHASER DISTANCE damage modifiers cfg_damageDistanceFull = 1.0 cfg_damageDistance3quarter = 0.9 cfg_damageDistanceHalf = 0.7 cfg_damageDistanceQuarter = 0.3 // cfg_phaserDamageMultiplier now acts as a multiplier for the phaser dmg values found in the weapon .odfs - ic cfg_phaserDamageMultiplier = 1.0 //Modifier on the amount of damage phasers do when hitting the target's hull. (WAS .5) cfg_phaserHullDamageModifier = 0.35 // this modifies the rate at which the weapons energy pool diminishes when firing phasers. (WAS 0.3) g_weaponsDiminish = 0.2 // min amount of weapon energy needed to fire phasers - sls cfg_minWeaponEnergyToFirePhasers = 0.10 // **************************************************************************************************************** // P H O T O N D A M A G E // **************************************************************************************************************** cfg_photonShieldDamageModifier= 0.3 //Shields only absorb a certain amount of photon damage (WAS .5) // **************************************************************************************************************** // D A M A G E ( g e n e r a l ) // **************************************************************************************************************** // SUB-SYSTEM HIT POINTS // the amount of system hit points is this % of whatever the HULL points are (default is 0.35) cfg_percentOfHullHPs = 0.10 // % of dmg applied to the hull - sls cfg_DAMAGE_APPLIED_TO_HULL = 1.00 // % chance to damage a ship system every time the hull takes damage - sls cfg_RANDOM_SYSTEM_DAMAGE_FREQUENCY = 0.70 //0.40 // was .25 // random % of bonus dmg applied to a random system (hull not included) - sls // 0.5 means a system will receive between 0 and 50% of the damage the hull received - sls cfg_DAMAGE_APPLIED_TO_SYSTEM = 1.67 // 0.7 // had this at 2.5 !!! // Self destruct does collater damage multiplied by this variable cfg_selfDestructMultiplier = 6 // damage modifiers for skirmish mode - sls cfg_SKIRMISH_AI_EASY_PLAYER_DMG_BOOST = 1.6 cfg_SKIRMISH_AI_EASY_ENEMY_DMG_REDUCTION = 0.6 cfg_SKIRMISH_AI_HARD_PLAYER_DMG_BOOST = 0.8 cfg_SKIRMISH_AI_HARD_ENEMY_DMG_REDUCTION = 1.4 // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGN MODIFIERS ****************************** // **************************************************************************************************************** // Config variables that modify the amount of damage RECEIVED by the AI or Player's ships. -tmob // These two variable are to reduce the difficulty of AI opponents in SINGLE PLAYER (versus MULTIPLAYER where we // want them to be equal) cfg_SPAIDamageModifier = 1.22 cfg_SPPlayerDamageModifier = 0.35 // damage modifiers cfg_retryMissionDifficultyCap = 0.25 cfg_retryMissionDifficultyIncrement = 0.05 // Multiplier when the ship is decommisioned cfg_COMMAND_POINTS_MULTIPLIER_FOR_DECOMMISSIONING_SHIP = 0.5 // Modifiers (based on difficulty) for command points earned per objective cfg_EASY_CP_MOD = 1.2 cfg_HARD_CP_MOD = 0.8 // **************************************************************************************************************** // G A M E B A L A N C E // **************************************************************************************************************** // Game Balance Variables added per Ben's doc -tmob // System damage variables cfg_minSystemPerformance = 0.5 cfg_systemDisabledThreshold = 0.2 cfg_systemEnableThreshold = 0.3 // WEAPON RANGES // cfg_weaponRange now acts as a multiplier for the weapon ranges found in the weapon .odfs. -tmob cfg_weaponRange = 5.0 cfg_weaponRangeWeight = 0.5 cfg_weaponDamageWeight = 0.5 // SENSOR ACCURACY cfg_baseSensorAccuracy = 1.0 cfg_baseSensorAccuracyWeight = 1.0 // SENSOR RANGE cfg_baseSensorRange = 10000.0 cfg_baseSensorRangeWeight = 1.0 //cfg_maxScanTime - amount of time a long range sensor scan lasts. currently set to 8.0 (seconds) in code. -tmob // HULL HIT POINTS cfg_baseHullHitPoints = 26000.0 cfg_baseHullHitPointsWeight = 1.0 //AMOUNT OF DAMAGE TO HULL DURING A LOCK cfg_subsystemTargetingHullBleedModifier = 0.450 // ships with hull plating and all energy into shields will reduce damage received by this amount - sls cfg_polarizedHullPlatingDamageReduction = 0.40 // COMMAND POINTS // For now, a placeholder for the amount of command points we wish to award based on // completing an objective. -tmob cfg_commandPointsPerObjective = 0.0 // Starting balance cfg_InitialCommandPoints = 2000 // When a ship is destroyed, these are the numbers multiplied by the destroyed ship's // value and given to the attacker. cfg_COMMAND_POINTS_MULTIPLIER_FOR_DESTROYING_SHIP_MULTIPLAYER = 0.03 cfg_COMMAND_POINTS_MULTIPLIER_FOR_DESTROYING_SHIP_SINGLEPLAYER = 0.03 cfg_COMMAND_POINTS_MULTIPLIER_FOR_LOSING_SHIP_MULTIPLAYER = 0.02 cfg_COMMAND_POINTS_MULTIPLIER_FOR_LOSING_SHIP_SINGLEPLAYER = 0.0 CFG_MAX_COMBAT_CP_PER_MISSION = 3000.0 // engines performance never goes below this number - sls cfg_minEngineSystemPerformance = 0.5 // how our engine performance scales with our health - sls cfg_enginePerformanceSlope = 0.3333 // how much our turning is reduced when we're stopped - sls cfg_angularAccelerationStopReduction = 0.25 // minimum power used in engine energy distribution calculations - sls cfg_minEnginePower = 0.5 // slow down the turn rate globally in direct control - sls cfg_directControlTurnModifier = 1.4 // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** P L A N E T C A P T U R E ********************************************************************* // ************************************************************************************************** // how fast do we capture planets - sls cfg_planetCaptureRate = 0.5 // how long to capture a planet - sls cfg_planetCaptureTime = 100.0 // how many points do we get for capturing a planet - sls cfg_planetCaptureCommandPoints = 50000.0 // Number of Command points given to the player when a planet has been conquered, // per second of being conquered. This is multiplied by # of planets owned. cfg_COMMAND_POINTS_AWARDED_PER_SEC_PER_PLANET_CONQUERED = 1.0 // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** R E P A I R R A T E S *********************************************************************** // **************************************************************************************************************** // Note: the normal repair rate is defined in craft.ODF (currently .1). Modify it there or in a specific // class/ship ODF. // Aggressive repair rate cfg_DedicatedRepairPoints = 5.0 // defaults to 15.0 // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** E N E R G Y D I S T R I B U T I O N *********************************************************** // **************************************************************************************************************** // Cost of aggressive/dedicated repair on energy cfg_DedicatedRepairEnergyDrain = 0.2 // defaults to 50% // ENERGY DISTRIBUTION // Scales (multiplicatively) how much we take the shield's energy distribution into account // when determining shield recharge rate. -tmob cfg_shieldRechargeEnergyWeight = 2.5 // this modifies the rate that changes to the energy panels take effect. lower = moves slower (was .10) g_energyChangeRate = 0.04 // Borg boost to their racial regeneration rate when extra energy is diverted. cfgBorgHullEnergyBoost = 0.50 // **************************************************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************************************************** // show the debug info for both the selected craft and its target - sls cfg_DEBUG_TARGET = 1 // modifiers for SP level of difficulty damage received by players ships - sls cfg_EASY_DAMAGE = 0.5 cfg_HARD_DAMAGE = 1.75 // multiplier used in the "am I too far away and should repath" calculation - sls //cfgFLYBY_RECALC_DISTANCE_COEFF = 2.0 // we get to this % of our weapon/photon range before we turn around - sls //cfgFLYBY_LENGTH_MODIFIER = 0.75 // how close we get to enemies as we pass them; closer if we're a focus entity - sls //cfgFLYBY_RADIUS_MODIFIER = 0.3 //cfgFLYBY_FOCUS_RADIUS_MODIFIER = 0.1 // allow rumble of controller (zero turns it off) cfg_Rumble = 1 // Shawn suggested we try multiplying all acceleration values by 5. Certainly stops ships nicely; might be nice to have separate accel value though. cfg_ACCEL_MULTIPLIER = 1 // ships this far from eachother will not group move together - sls //cfg_MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_CLUSTER = 1200 //Show the DXTUTIL error box //cfg_showDXUTILerrorBox = 0 // do human players get random fleets if they don't fleet construct? cfg_RANDOM_HUMAN_FLEET = 1 cfg_RANDOM_AI_FLEET = 1 cfg_Cineractive_Volume_Music = 12 //Music Volume level during scripted cineractives [0, 20] cfg_Cineractive_Volume_Voice = 19 //VO Volume level during scripted cineractives [0, 20] cfg_Cineractive_Volume_Effects = 8 //Sound FX Volume level during scripted cineractives [0, 20] //cfg_OrbitOffset = 700 // The distance from the planet surface ships should be when in orbit. cfg_ShowAllCloakedShips = 0 // displays all cloaked ships that do not belong to the local player's team in a yellow tin cfg_ContinuouslyDisplayPlanetCaptureEffect = 0 // setting this value to 1 will force all planets to display their planet capture effects using the race texture planetcapture_test.dds cfg_PlanetCaptureEffectSpeed = 0.1 // the speed in which the planet capture effect takes to complete its transition // set to zero to disable code that tries to fix the camera stutter in MP g_CamNetHack = 1 // set this to 1 to disable intro movies - sls cfg_NOINTRO = 1 // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** Timers ****************************** // **************************************************************************************************************** // Number of minutes it takes to win a planet conquer match. g_minutesToWin = 20 cfg_GAME_OVER_DELAY = 12.0 // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** A I MODIFIERS ****************************** // **************************************************************************************************************** // control how human ai craft decide to fire photons - sls CFG_AI_CRAFT_WEAPON_DECISION_PHOTON_STOCK_WEIGHT= 0.05 CFG_AI_CRAFT_WEAPON_DECISION_TO_HIT_WEIGHT = 0.05 CFG_AI_CRAFT_WEAPON_DECISION_HULL_DAMAGE_WEIGHT = 0.05 // For AI-controlled PLAYER ships when player tells them to FIRE AT WILL // they should use a lot more photons (for the current target only) CFG_AI_CRAFT_WEAPON_DECISION_FIRE_AT_WILL_PHOTON_STOCK_WEIGHT= 0.05 CFG_AI_CRAFT_WEAPON_DECISION_FIRE_AT_WILL_TO_HIT_WEIGHT = 0.35 CFG_AI_CRAFT_WEAPON_DECISION_FIRE_AT_WILL_HULL_DAMAGE_WEIGHT = 0.35 // control how computer craft decide to fire photons - sls CFG_AI_COMPUTER_CRAFT_WEAPON_DECISION_PHOTON_STOCK_WEIGHT = 0.20 CFG_AI_COMPUTER_CRAFT_WEAPON_DECISION_TO_HIT_WEIGHT = 0.30 CFG_AI_COMPUTER_CRAFT_WEAPON_DECISION_HULL_DAMAGE_WEIGHT = 0.30 // how often to update the ai weapon decision - sls //CFG_AI_CRAFT_WEAPON_DECISION_TIMER = 1 // AI craft use dedicated repair once systems are < this amount - sls cfg_AI_DEDICATED_REPAIR_SYSTEM_HEALTH_PERCENTAGE = 0.3 // allows the AI to use the craft's warp engines if its target is located further than a certain distance cfg_AllowAItoControlWarp = 0 // At what range of a move command will AI cloak MP? cfg_MIN_MOVE_DISTANCE_FOR_CLOAK = 1500.0 // we favor enemies that are close - sls cfg_AI_TARGET_SELECTION_CLOSEST_WEIGHT = 0.2 // how much weight for shields that are down - sls cfg_AI_TARGET_SELECTION_SHIELD_DOWN_WEIGHT = 0.1 // at what point are shields low? - sls cfg_AI_TARGET_SELECTION_LOW_SHIELDS = 0.1 // how much weight to add for low shields - sls cfg_AI_TARGET_SELECTION_LOW_SHIELDS_WEIGHT = 0.1 // how often we retaliate against our attacker - sls cfg_AI_TARGET_SELECTION_RETALIATION_WEIGHT = 0.5 // how much weight for low hull - sls cfg_AI_TARGET_SELECTION_LOW_HULL_WEIGHT = 0.1 // what is low hull? - sls cfg_AI_TARGET_SELECTION_LOW_HULL = 0.1 // we favor enemies just shot us - sls cfg_AI_TARGET_SELECTION_LAST_SHOOTER_WEIGHT = 0.1 // some random weight for fun - sls cfg_AI_TARGET_SELECTION_RANDOM_WEIGHT = 0.1 // we favor enemies that are weak - sls cfg_AI_TARGET_SELECTION_WEAPON_WEIGHT = 0.1 // we favor enemies that are attacking - sls cfg_AI_TARGET_SELECTION_AGGRESSORS_WEIGHT = 0.1 // we prefer enemies that our allies are not attacking - no gang bangs - sls cfg_AI_TARGET_SELECTION_ALLIES_TARGETED_WEIGHT = -0.1 // percent of the time we retaliate against our attacker - sls cfg_AI_RETALIATION_PERCENTAGE = 0.15 // the "aggro" range for tactics_neutral craft - sls // cfg_NEUTRAL_AGGRO_RANGE = 2000.0 // the "aggro" range for tactics_neutral craft - sls cfg_DEFENSIVE_AGGRO_RANGE = 2500.0 // banking disabled means no banking in direct control - sls cfg_DIRECT_CONTROL_BANK_DISABLE = 1 // Pitch drift compensation - disabled - sls cfg_METHOD = 2 // How much of the "stick left/right" to add to the banking of the ship cfg_ACTIVE_ROLL_HACK = -0.45 //-0.35 // Global max banking (to be replaced with ship specific stuff) cfg_ACTIVE_ROLL_MAX = 0.45 //0.35 // Rate of auto-leveling the roll. (higher = slower, 1.0 = not at all) cfg_ROLL_REDUCTION = 0.98 // romulon photons have trails cfg_PhotonTrailsEnabled = 1 //cfg_E3Demo = 0 // Config int that turns on/off the use of a random seed for our generation of g_random. -tmob cfg_useRandomSeed = 0 g_bUseTrail = 0 // Setting this to zero causes all AI controlled craft to swtich between flyby, circle and cloverleaf cfg_AICONTROLLED_DEFAULT_MANEUVER = 0 //********Dogfight Modifiers******************** //CIRCLE**************************************** // How big we let dogfights be //was 10 cfgCIRCLE_RADIUS_MODIFIER = 10.0 //Cloverleaf (uses circle as well) // the radius can't be more than the max range of the weapons of this ship; use this to make the shape smaller cfgCLOVERLEAF_RADIUS_MODIFIER = 3.0 //FLYBY***************************************** // We don't want to go all the way past this guy cfgFLYBY_LENGTH_MODIFIER = 0.75 // If the enemy is this much (coeff) too far from our flyby goal, recalculate a goal cfgFLYBY_RECALC_DISTANCE_COEFF = 6.0 // how far from the target should we pass? - sls cfgFLYBY_RADIUS_MODIFIER = 3.0 // how far from the target should focus entities pass? - sls cfgFLYBY_FOCUS_RADIUS_MODIFIER = 9.0 //CHASE******************************************* // begin matching speed at this distance multiplier - sls cfg_FollowTetherMaxRange = 200.0 // slow down slower than our matching speed when we get this close - sls cfg_FollowTetherMinRange = 100.0 // when we're really close, how much to reduce our matching speed - sls cfg_FollowTetherMinRangeSpeedReduction = 0.5 // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** V O I C E O V E R T I M E R S ************************************************************ // **************************************************************************************************************** // minimum time (in seconds) between "photons ready to fire" VO cfgPhotonReadyTime = 15 // used for Photon Loading, Select, Stop, Destination, Move, Acknowledge, and Warp Stop cfgCommandTime = 5 // used for all enemy detected vo (including race specific vo) cfgEnemyDetectTime = 30 // enter/exit nebula timer cfgNebulaTime = 10 // obvious... cfgTakingDamageTime = 15 cfgCloakDetectedTimer = 10 // amount of delay (in seconds) between the DamageReport VO and the specific system damaged VO cfgDamageDelay = 2 // amount of time between DamageReport VO cfgDamageReportTimer = 10 // percent chance of playing the DamageReport VO cfgDamageReportPercentage = 0.5 // How often enemies Taunt cfgTauntTimer = 30.0; // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** W A R P V A R I A B L E S ***************************************************************** // **************************************************************************************************************** cfg_PLANET_WARP_SUPPRESSION_RADIUS_MULTIPLIER = 1.5 cfg_WARP_SUPRESSION_TIMER = 1.0 // override the existing special timers for all specials - sls //cfg_SPECIAL_DURATION_OVERRIDE = 0 //cfg_SPECIAL_COOLDOWN_OVERRIDE = 0 // These control global nebula damage timing (damage amts are in nebula ODF file) cfg_nebulaMinDamageInterval = 2 cfg_nebulaDamageIntervalVariance = 10 cfgStrategicMapClosestCameraZoomDistance = 3000 cfgStrategicMapFarthestCameraZoomDistance = 60000 // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** UI TIME V A R I A B L E S ***************************************************************** // **************************************************************************************************************** //cfg_MainMenuUseRealDt = 0 //Whether or not to use the real delta time to update the simulation of the main menu //cfg_MainMenuRealDtModifier= 1.0 //If using real delta time to update the menu, a modifier to adjust cfg_MainMenuFakeDtXbox= 0.02 //The fake delta time to use each tick on Xbox //cfg_MainMenuFakeDtPC= 0.02 //The fake delta time to use each tick on PC //cfg_ignoreSkipCinematicTime = 2.0 //How long (sec) to wait until accepting input to skip a cinematic cfg_forceGameOverTimer = 0 // SSet to non zero to force a timed game to last only this many seconds. // **************************************************************************************************************** // ************** Camera V A R I A B L E S ***************************************************************** // **************************************************************************************************************** cfgStrategicMapCameraScrollSpeed = 2.7 // Adjusts the scrolling speed of the camera movement in Strat Map Mode. +/- 2.0 is good. //***************************************************************************************************************** //**************************** Not For Release //comment this out before release - dld cfg_NATDebug = 0 cfg_crcExecutable = 0